turn it up (unofficial mental health anthem)

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"Turn it Up" is an anthem of self-empowerment and transformation, delivered with a bold and confident flow. Nolan takes us through a journey of personal growth, overcoming challenges, and finding strength in the face of adversity.

The song kicks off with a declaration of Nolan's intent to make a mark on the beat, signaling a change in the game. He likens himself to a curveball that disrupts the norm, embracing the unconventional and asserting his identity as a self-made force to be reckoned with. The lyrics radiate with a newfound sense of self-love, triumphing over past pain.

Nolan reflects on a year-long transformation, symbolized by sending McCloskey on a permanent vacation. The metaphorical departure of negativity and weakness paves the way for a new energy fueled by drive and determination. The narrative acknowledges the initial struggles and learning curves in the music game, emphasizing the resilience needed to rise above setbacks.

The lyrics touch upon Nolan's sobriety journey, highlighting the significant milestone of 1200 days without a drink. Despite the challenges, music becomes a therapeutic outlet, with the act of leaning on bars symbolizing both the physical and emotional support found in the art.

Personal loss and heartache are addressed as Nolan shares the impact of his mother's passing. The lyrical exploration of grief intertwines with a commitment to break free from negative patterns and embrace a renewed mindset. Life is depicted as a game, and Nolan claims to have found the cheat code, sharing it with others but acknowledging that not everyone pays attention.

Nolan emerges as a voice for change, attributing the positive influence of marijuana on the mind. The lyrics underline the reflective and life-saving aspects of cannabis in the context of Nolan's journey as an emcee. The song becomes a testament to a special purpose and a newfound sense of worth discovered through pacing around the studio.

A defiant attitude towards haters is showcased, with Nolan commanding respect upon entering a room. The lyrics celebrate a relentless work ethic, with a nod to outperforming others and always staying ahead. Despite moments of uncertainty, Nolan's determination shines through, and he embraces the unknown with a watchful eye on the future.

The mention of an incubator being outed and a lifetime of being doubted adds layers to Nolan's narrative, emphasizing the resilience needed to overcome skepticism and redirections in life. Google Map rerouting becomes a metaphor for adapting to unexpected changes.

The song concludes with a nod to confidence gained from Doja, encouraging self-reflection, and expressing gratitude to Marsha Linehan for the concept of radical acceptance. "Turn it Up" is a declaration of self-discovery, empowerment, and the unwavering resolve to lead a pack of winners, with Nolan firmly declaring that he's never looking back.


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