head is on meds

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"Head Is On Meds" is a reflective and emotionally charged song that delves into the struggles and challenges faced by the artist, Nolan. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of internal conflicts, dealing with anxiety, and the impact of life experiences.

The song begins with a powerful declaration of resilience against deceptive voices and the use of medication to cope with anxiety. Nolan shares personal experiences, such as finding solace in familiar places like the Philly airport and enjoying Crabfries. The mention of Nolan's music being played on the radio and the influence of sports figures like Crosby adds a dynamic layer to the narrative.

The lyrics then take a poignant turn, addressing the loss of loved ones to cancer and the profound impact it has had on Nolan's family. The song becomes a tribute to those who are no longer present, with references to family members like Granny Smith and Linda A.

Nolan expresses a mix of emotions, from sadness and longing to a desire for attention and recognition. The lyrics touch on themes of neglect, disconnection, and the artist's struggle for acknowledgment in the face of personal challenges.

Throughout the song, there's a recurring theme of using music as therapy, with the mic serving as a tool for self-expression and healing. Nolan compares his life to a midlife crisis, emphasizing the playlist as a form of catharsis.

The repetition of the chorus reinforces the omnipresence of anxiety, symbolized by the phrase "Head is on meds." The song blends introspective moments with energetic and confident expressions, showcasing Nolan's unique style and versatility as both a rapper and a producer.

In summary, "Head Is On Meds" is a raw and introspective journey through Nolan's experiences, combining personal struggles, resilience, and a passion for music as a means of coping and self-discovery.


turn it up (unofficial mental health anthem)

