The Journey of "Fly Song"

In the world of hip-hop where bravado often overshadows vulnerability, the poignant lyrics of "Fly Song," provide an unfiltered exploration of self-discovery, battling inner demons, and the courage to be vulnerably authentic in a world that often rewards the opposite.

The Genesis of Vulnerability

"Fly Song" starts with a confession, a moment of quitting that resonates with anyone who's felt the weight of trying to keep up with the relentless pace of life. I immediately set the tone, not with defeat, but with a declaration of self-care and introspection. It’s not just about taking a break; it’s about transforming the struggle into strength, verse by verse.

Battling Inner Demons with Mary Jane by Your Side

The song weaves through conversations with myself, using the soothing presence of cannabis as a backdrop to deeper contemplation. It's not just about the high; it's about what the high allows the mind to explore - the need to elevate to a better state despite the noise of the world. This is where the battle begins, not with the world, but within the confines of one's mind.

Mindfulness: Catching Thoughts Before They Catch You

"Fly Song" doesn't shy away from the realities of mental health struggles. Instead, it champions mindfulness as a weapon against the cyclical nature of negative thinking. It's a call to arms to catch those thoughts before they spiral, a reminder that the first step in change is recognizing the patterns that hold us back.

From Nolan to Bryan: The Duality Within

The narrative dives into the duality of the self – Nolan and Bryan represent the internal battle between who I am and who I aspire to be. This struggle is depicted with raw honesty, acknowledging that change is a journey fraught with setbacks but also opportunities for growth.

Embracing the DIY Ethos and Facing Public Scrutiny

The DIY spirit runs deep in "Fly Song," echoing my roots and the evolution of my craft. Yet, with the courage to speak one's truth comes the fear of public judgment. The lyrics confront this fear head-on, wrestling with the vulnerability of exposing one's innermost thoughts and the potential repercussions it might have on loved ones.

The Path to Inner Harmony and Self-Acceptance

"Fly Song" culminates in a powerful message of self-acceptance and the relentless pursuit of personal harmony. The artist’s journey is a testament to the power of music as a therapeutic outlet, offering solace and understanding to those grappling with their own vulnerabilities.

Conclusion: A Beacon for the Brave

This song stands as a beacon for anyone brave enough to face their fears and embrace the messiness of personal growth. It's a reminder that vulnerability isn't weakness; it's the most profound strength we have. In sharing his journey, the artist doesn't just navigate his own path to peace; he lights the way for others to follow.


Healing Through Positivity: Your Mind as Medicine