article spotlight

From time to time as I come across cool articles Iโ€™ll post a summary here with a link to the full article.

The article "Self-Discovery Techniques: 10 Ways to Find Yourself" on BetterUp's blog delves into the importance of self-discovery for personal growth, happiness, and success. It explains self-discovery as the deep process of learning about your true self beyond surface-level preferences, focusing on understanding your emotions, personality, and behaviors. Highlighting the link between self-knowledge and life satisfaction, the piece outlines 10 techniques for self-discovery, such as visualizing your ideal self, exploring new interests, journaling, and seeking coaching. It emphasizes the ongoing nature of self-discovery and offers guidance on navigating this journey with questions for reflection and steps towards self-acceptance. For more details, visit the full article here.


The Undeniable Link: Elevating Mental Health to the Stature of Physical Health


The Universal Language of Healing: Music Therapy